Thursday, March 13, 2014

Does stress is more intense for stock traders in Nepal?

Well, normally stress is intense for stock traders all over world. This obviously include stocks traders in Nepal. What I wanted to ask is, is it that more pressure is a legacy to stock traders in Nepal?

When the news about NEPSE will be going online came, I was feeling so happy about it. Online trading provides various benefits and most vivid and important of all is that it can reduce stress in a very dramatic way. How? The process is simple. Trade begins and finishes in expected time period and the time between selling and receiving money is minimized. It's decreases account receivable period providing you interest benefits. This step of NEPSE trading online would be the most appreciated action and this does not stop stock traders from worrying about the trades they make.

The formation of new government came with hopes and new enthusiasm for the stock traders.But the NEPSE index is not showing good sign of the stock market right now in Nepal. For initial time frame from the formation of the new government the index was positive and  then after it again started to regress downward showing the decrease in the trading of the stock.

Stress level for traders should always be balance. The habit of worrying too much can even lead to depression. In case of Nepal, most of the traders are job holders or independent and self-employed traders. They choose to be stock trader for making money through stocks. And political stability should always provide the stable business environment so that banks, hydro-powers could do better which consequently will induce more positive activities.

In conclusion, we still have more days to come where we hope to see more remarkable changes in the system and the business environment. Stress for a trader could be a friend at the same time, it could be a foe. So, the ultimate decision is our to choose whether to be stress free or take stress because in stock market, no one can decide what comes next, no one knows whether the stock price will go up or down.

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