Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Become a Stock Trader in Nepal for doing more than making money.

The fundamentals of becoming a stock trader is same as becoming a businessman. Then what is the difference?
We are talking about price of share here and the value it carries with it. According to demand and supply, it goes up and down. But no body knows when will it goes up or down. The beauty of the deal is that everyone thinks they can get benefits from the share they are buying and you are the player. So, as a player a stock trader should always be alert about price changes and the factors that can change the price of stocks that you are dealing with. Becoming alert is not so easy as it sound. A stock trader needs updates about banks and hydro-powers that are being targeted. And there updates can change the decisions that you make about trading stocks. The starting phase of becoming a stock trader in Nepal is to choose first which bank or banks you will be keeping eye on and being updated on them.

Now, after the decision of being updated what will be the next move to become a stock trader?
1.Choosing a broker.
Brokerage firms are now establish in major cities all around Nepal. If you know a broker already and trust him then you are lucky to find a partner. If you don't know a broker but you are able to find one and trust him then also you are lucky. But, if you don't trust a broker then changing the brokerage firm is the best option available.
2. Fill a form about trading your share.
The brokerage firm you have chosen will give a form to fill. I includes everything about you and your share.
3. Verifying your share certificate.
The underwriter of specific bank will do this. Normally brokerage firm will do that for you but it's a lengthy process and might take more then a month is you depend on the firm. So the best option is to go the underwriter all by yourself and verify your share certificate of the bank or institution of which you are a shareholder.
4.Placing bid for buying or selling.
This is the tricky part. The most important of all in the trading stock and becoming a stock trader. While you intend to be a stock trader you should never forget that you are making profit while buying a share but not while selling it. After all profit is the difference between selling price and buying price, a simple school classroom principle.
The next thing is you will be asked for confirmation by the broker and as i have already said earlier in the article that the overall  process is slow in Nepal, it might take 10-15 days while completing a transaction. That is if you are selling then it might take more than a week to get your money and if you are buying then it might take more than a week to get your share certificate.
Once you have done it, you will be familiar with the codes and conducts of becoming a stock trader. As a trader you should always keep an eye upon share price and activities of the bank you are intending to trade stocks. After the familiarity with 'how to' of stock trading you are now a stock trader officially. Becoming a stock trader will make you economically free as well as it might give you intense pressure too. If you are the type who cannot handle stress then you might not want to become a trader. So, it's  always best to find a place where you enjoy while you work and take minimum stress possible.

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